Sunday, October 23, 2016

Subway Series

If you live or vacation near the ocean, you get a lot of sand in your car. But you can get your oil changed at Walmarts and they’ll vacuum out your vehicle for free! I used to get this done on the last day of our family vacation so we’d have a clean van coming home. It worked out great. I got to walk around Walmarts while I waited. In hindsight, I have no idea if they changed the oil, but that van was clean.

It’s time for the World Series. (There’s a tie in here, really.) I’m hearing of parking costs approaching $100 per game on those surface lots where the guy flags you in. I’m sure it’s a supply and demand thing. The lot owners are gonna get what they can get. That’s the American way. But, would it be asking too much for them to have a vacuum cleaner there and go around and clean out the cars during the game? C’mon. For $100, am I asking too much? I’m not asking for an oil change here…

Somehow, for $100, the Subway “buy one sub get the second sub for half price” coupon on the back of the parking ticket doesn’t do as much for me.     

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