Tuesday, December 27, 2016

That's Swill

We are all dealing with Christmas leftovers this week.  How long do you keep some of this stuff? At what point does your refrigerator become a science project? Usually the final resting place for this stuff is soup or stew. Or what we here at Uncle Tommy refer to as "swill".  

My dad used to work with this guy who was a creative cook, kind of a pioneer of the palate as Tom Waits would say. Dad saw him cook some outrageous dishes. One winter the guy’s wife went to Florida for a month to visit relatives and left him home to work and to fend for himself. Well, the first day she was gone he started a pot of stew, or soup, or goulash or something on the stove. As legend has it, he kept that pot going for 30 days, and added a little something to it each day to keep the pot alive. I’m not sure if the 30 days was his original intent, or if he just liked his swill so much he kept it alive. As far as I recall, not only did the guy live a long life, his marriage survived.

I’ve searched the net and cannot find anyone with a greater than 30 day continuous swill. Apparently some have exceeded the 30 days but have not lived to tell about it.  

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