Tuesday, January 17, 2017

JObama Memories

With their terms coming to a close, I think it’s time to share some Obama-Biden memories. Whether you agreed or not with Obama and Biden politically, they did some cool stuff sometimes.  

I have this friend from Delaware, Joe Biden’s home state. One Saturday when they were both back in Delaware my friend got to participate in a bowling fundraiser that Biden also attended.  He got to talk to Joe. They hit it off well and Joe invited him to split a cheeseburger. How cool is that? I admire the idea of splitting the cheeseburger. Who needs a whole cheeseburger?

Obama has proven to be the opposite. One time he came to our city and the mayor took him to a Coney Island restaurant. The dude ate 2 hot dogs (no ketchup-cool), fries, chili, and a shake. He followed that up with a jumbo dog.  I admire that all his responsibilities as president did not affect his appetite. 

A final Obama thought: The Cubs gave the Obamas 4 lifetime passes to Wrigley Field yesterday. Are you kidding me? Lifetime? He’s only 55 – he’s gonna be around a while. Does this mean he can walk into Wrigley in like the third inning and just point at some seats and the people in those seats have to leave? And do the Cubs know how much this guy can eat? Will he insist on throwing out the “first” ball every game he attends? “Hey, I used to be president. Give me the %&@# ball! I don’t care if it’s the third inning.”  

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