Sunday, September 4, 2022

Junior Achievement

Continuing our theme of birth order, this reminded me of an old post when I discussed why my wife and I did not name either of our boys Tom Jr. One of the main reasons - and I think this still may happen - is that I thought a school might get named after me (or one of my sons) someday. At least it was in the back of my mind. If it's an elementary school, I don't see a problem. But if it's a junior high or high school, be careful. Take Ken Griffey Sr. for instance. Pretty good baseball player, right? But if someone names a junior high after him it would be called Ken Griffey Jr High School. Now see, that sounds to me like it is named after his son, Ken Griffey Jr. But if it WAS named after his son, would it then be Ken Griffey Jr Jr High School? In the same vein, a Sr High School could never be named after Jr because then you'd have Ken Griffey Jr High School. You'd hear conversations at graduation like, "I don't understand, Marge. You told me Ronnie was graduating from high school. He's 19."

I guess the answer would have been to name him Ken Quincy Griffey.


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