Friday, January 22, 2016

Half Baked

So, apparently our president went to Alaska a while back and renamed the former Mt McKinley. Now it’s called Mt. Denali. OK. Whatever.  But I’m finding that the people in Ohio, the home state of former President McKinley, are still not very happy about this renaming. There is lingering bitterness. Well this, to me, comes down to a deal between Ohio and Alaska. Rather than simply renaming the mountain, I think there were some options that could have been explored to bring some balance to this situation. Could a trade perhaps have been worked out between the two states? Like, could we maybe keep the name McKinley in place on the mountain and perhaps rename something in Ohio Denali? Ohio has malls, creeks, prisons.  Let’s work something out.

Until this whole thing gets sorted out, I think Ohio gets to rename something in its favor, at least temporarily, and it needs to be done at Alaska’s expense. Since nothing has yet been named after Alaska’s most famous leader, former governor Sarah Palin, I think Ohio needs to go another direction. Probably the most famous thing named after Alaska is the delicious flaming dessert known as “Baked Alaska”. Until this is settled, I, Uncle Tommy, declare this dessert to be known as “Baked Ohio”. See you citizens in the kitchen!

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