Thursday, September 1, 2016

Don't Push My Buttons!

Have you ever entered a building, headed for the elevator and hit the up button on the wall next to the elevator door, and, as the elevator nears the first floor to pick you up, the light goes out on the button you pushed ‘cause the elevator’s almost there? And then someone comes up behind you and reaches around you and pushes the up button? It doesn’t light up ‘cause yeah, the elevator’s almost there. So, like, what’s this guy thinking who runs in and pushes the up button? Does he think you’re standing there just to hang out? Does he think you’re maybe just using the elevator door as a mirror to fix your hair?

Well, the pain does not end there because now you’ve got to ride the elevator with the dude. And yeah, you’ve gotta say something at this point. A proper comment from you at that point could be, “You DO realize I had pressed the button and that the light on the button goes out as the elevator nears, right?” Another option could be a simple “Hey. Ever ride one of these before?”

Another option, depending on how your day’s gone, would be to mace him in the lobby. You would have a good defense – assuming this was to go to trial. That button had already been pushed. Period.

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