Thursday, December 3, 2015

Check This Out!

Have you ever gone through the checkout line when there’s only one checkout open but there’s like 5 people lined up, so they open the next register and say those magic words “Can I help who’s next?” I like those words. That’s a well structured question – pretty straightforward. The person who would be next would be the second person in line at the original checkout. That’s very clear. But it never seems to work out that way. The person third, fourth or fifth back always seems to get to move over.  Why does this happen?

I’ll tell you why. The person “on deck” or second from the register is usually looking at the magazines or eyeing the gum display and misses the signal. Of course, that's the big benefit of being second. You get access to all that stuff. So the answer is: If you’re standing there reading about Charlie Sheen or invaders from outer space, don’t get upset when you don’t get to go to the new register. 

Speaking of Charlie Sheen, I read at the checkout that he has started up a new moving company. It’s called “2½ Men and a Truck”. 

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